Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers 1) The following table shows the number of complaints upheld at Stage 2 in the past three years: Year Stage 2 Complaints -Upheld 2013/
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints received by the CPS in the past three years: Year Total Complaints 2013/14 Not a
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints received by the 13 CPS Areas in the past three years: Area 2013/14 2014/15 2015/1
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints upheld at Stage 1 in the past three years: Year Stage 1 Complaints -Upheld 2013/14
Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996 | Attorney General | Written Answers The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) does not maintain a central record of the number of people who have been charged with, and prosecuted fo
Rape: Convictions | Attorney General | Written Answers In 2015-16 the CPS conviction rate in rape cases rose to 57.9% from 56.9% in 2014-15. The volumes of convictions reached 2,689.
Rolls Royce: Corruption | Attorney General | Written Answers The Serious Fraud Office first received information concerning allegations of bribery and corruption at Rolls Royce in November 2011.
Human Trafficking | Attorney General | Written Answers CPS do not have a central record of cases where the statutory defence has been applied, as it could arise in any category of offences.
Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 | Attorney General | Written Answers The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 was enacted to secure the protection from unauthorised interference of the remains of military a
Attorney General: Migrant Workers | Attorney General | Written Answers All Government Departments are bound by legal requirements concerning the right to work in the UK and, in addition, the Civil Service Nation