Cybercrime | Attorney General | Commons debates I am very conscious of that case, as I have a strong interest in autism issues.
Sentencing | Attorney General | Written Answers The number of sentences considered by my office has increased by over 108% since 2010 from 342 to 713 requests in 2015.
European Arrest Warrants | Attorney General | Written Answers The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) provides a basis for a swift and cost-efficient extradition process between EU Member States implementing
Fraud: Crime Prevention | Attorney General | Written Answers Over the past two years the Serious Fraud Office has secured:the first contested convictions for rate rigging,its first contested conviction
Hate Crime: Prosecutions | Attorney General | Written Answers We are committed to tackling hate crime in any form.
Hate Crime: Prosecutions | Attorney General | Written Answers We are committed to tackling hate crime in any form.
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints escalated to Stage 2 in the past three years: Year Stage 2 Complaints 2013/14 24
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints considered by the Independent Assessor of Complaints (IAC) in the past three years: Ye
Crown Prosecution Service: Complaints | Attorney General | Written Answers The following table shows the number of complaints upheld or part upheld by the Independent Assessor of Complaints (IAC) in the past three y