Attorney General: Uber | Attorney General | Written Answers None of the Law Officers’ Departments have an account with Uber and the Departments have no records of any direct expenditure on Uber for Bu
Attorney General: Recruitment | Attorney General | Written Answers The Law Officers’ Departments (LODs) do not ask applicants about previous convictions (spent or unspent) on their application forms or in in
Attorney General: Brexit | Attorney General | Written Answers The Department for Exiting the European Union is working closely with other Government departments to build a detailed understanding of how
Cleveland Police Authority: Offences Against the Administration of Justice | Attorney General | Written Answers No individual who was investigated as part of Operation Sacristy was charged with perverting the course of justice.
European Arrest Warrants: Habeas Corpus | Attorney General | Written Answers The UK’s transposition of the European arrest warrant fully complied with the concept of habeas corpus.
Attorney General: Security | Attorney General | Written Answers The number of security passes issued to people not directly employed by the Law Officer’s Departments and who are not civil servants are sho
Phil Shiner | Attorney General | Written Answers I regularly meet the Director of Public Prosecutions at which we discuss a range of issues.
Witnesses: Older People | Attorney General | Written Answers For elderly people who are vulnerable or intimidated, the CPS supports them as witnesses to give the best evidence that they can.
Attorney General: Senior Civil Servants | Attorney General | Written Answers Due to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 which protects individuals’ personal information and data, this information is being
Attorney General: Staff | Attorney General | Written Answers No former prisoners have been employed in the past five years in the Law Officers’ Departments.