My Plan For Swindon South

Robert Buckland Serving Swindon for 20 Years

Robert has lived in Swindon for decades, raised his family here and knows exactly what matters to residents.

Whatever the outcome of the General Election, Swindon is best served by a local, independent-minded MP who will deliver for local services and ensure residents are well represented.

Robert has a strong track record of securing investment in our roads, schools and hospitals, and speaking up for residents in Parliament.


Robert visiting the £26 million A&E at the GWH, which will open later this year

Robert visiting the £26 million A&E at the GWH, which will open later this year

As an MP, Robert has campaigned in Parliament and to Ministers for the expansion of the A&E at our hospital. He was successful and the £26 million state-of-the-art new A&E will open very soon.

We have also benefitted from £18 million in Government funding for the new Radiotherapy Unit and money for a health centre in West Swindon - which will free up 18,000 annual appointments.

He needs your vote to continue to secure investment for health services in Swindon.


Robert understands concerns about our town centre and is determined to keep it on the right track if re-elected. During his time as MP, he secured £25 million for the regeneration of Fleming Way and surrounding areas, £19.6 million for projects like the town centre market and worked with police to increase patrols and drive down antisocial behaviour there.

Robert has secured millions of pounds for our town centre, but there is more work to do.

Robert has secured millions of pounds for our town centre, but there is more work to do.


Swindon's heritage is so important and Robert will build on work done so far if re-elected. He has helped secure over £5 million for the Health Hydro, investment in the Carriage Works project, money for a Heritage Action Zone and funding for community projects in buildings like the Cricketers Arms in the Railway Village.

Robert secured millions of pounds for our historic buildings and would continue this work if re-elected

Robert secured millions of pounds for our historic buildings and would continue this work if re-elected.


As the parent of a SEN child, Robert has worked to boost opportunities for all young people in Swindon. He secured money for the building of new schools and the upgrading of existing ones and recently welcomed a £3 million investment in youth services at the Lyndhurst Centre in Park North.

Robert also led a Government review helping autistic people into employment.

As the parent of a SEN child, boosting opportunity for ALL young people is so important to Robert

As the parent of a SEN child, boosting opportunity for ALL young people is so important to Robert.


Robert has the experience to bring good jobs for local people to Swindon and was instrumental in getting the redevelopment of the former Honda site over the line, which is expected to bring at least 7,000 jobs to Swindon and over £1 billion in investment.

He also worked with the Government to bring hundreds of well-paid DWP jobs to Swindon.

Robert at the breaking of the ground ceremony ahead of the massive redevelopment of the former Honda site.

Robert at the breaking of the ground ceremony ahead of the massive redevelopment of the former Honda site.


Robert worked with the Government to get 164 extra police officers recruited for Swindon and Wiltshire and a greater police presence in communities across Swindon South. As a lawyer and former Justice Minister, he has spent his life working to keep dangerous people off our streets.

Robert toughened sentences and domestic abuse laws and brought in laws against pet theft

Robert toughened sentences and domestic abuse laws and brought in laws against pet theft