South Swindon MP backs campaign to stop delays to blood cancer diagnosis 25th October 2019 Robert Buckland MP is supporting a campaign to reduce the number of blood cancer patients who experience delays to diagnosis. He met with representatives from... Westminster News
New Justice Minister, Robert Buckland QC, sets out whole system approach to justice reform 12th June 2019 South Swindon MP, Robert Buckland, has set out his plan to ‘turn the tide on reoffending’ during his first keynote speech in his new role as Justice Minister... Westminster News
Justice Minister, Robert Buckland, plans “clean sweep” to sentencing laws 23rd May 2019 Robert Buckland QC MP has spoken about his plans to simplify and tidy up the country’s complex sentencing laws following the announcement of his appointment as... Westminster News
Robert Buckland MP supports young people’s call for a greener, brighter future 8th March 2019 The Member of Parliament for South Swindon, Robert Buckland MP , recently met with young volunteers involved in the Our Bright Future programme in Parliament... Westminster News
Ex police officer has rape sentence increased following Solicitor General, Robert Buckland’s referral 6th February 2019 An ex-police officer who raped a woman 40 years ago while on duty has today had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP... Westminster News
Robber who bit off part of victim’s ear jailed after Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP’s referral 19th December 2018 A man who violently robbed a vulnerable victim has today been jailed after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his sentence for being too low... Westminster News
Hammer Attacker To Spend Longer behind Bars Following Solicitor General, Robert Buckland MP’s Referral 23rd November 2018 A man who attacked a woman with a metal claw hammer will spend more time in prison after South Swindon MP and Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred... Westminster News
Knife Wielding Ex Who Attempted To Stab Young Mum Has Sentence Increased Following Solicitor General, Robert Buckland MP’s Referral 3rd August 2018 A man who broke into the home of his ex-girlfriend and threatened her with a knife will spend longer in prison after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC... Westminster News
Sentences increased for gang who illegally sold thousands of farmed puppies after Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP Intervenes 20th July 2018 Four men have today had their sentences increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, personally presented their cases to the Court of Appeal... Westminster News